THE HIGHLY REQUESTED 2014 CHARGER IS HERE!! Blank PNG's so you can set your own color! Ram Bar (extra9) you may need to repair the vehicle to have the ram bar show! I cannot wait for this to be finished, I am in love with it and cannot wait for you guys to see. Currently I am working on a LSPD Mega Pack. If you're in the discord you will see what I said about upcoming projects. Everyone who downloads the pack, joins the discord, and gives their suggestions and support, mean the world to me. We now have over 6,000+ downloads! Again, I appreciate all of you. Hey guys! I want to thank everyone for the continued support. Future vehicles will be released into this pack, another, or standalone!

These are my first of many more vehicles. Hello and thank you for downloading my Unmarked Vehicle Pack! This pack isn't based off of any particular department or agency, it is just what I find to look good.